EasyPower 10.6 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 32/64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment! ✅
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$490.00 $390.00


Whats New – EasyPower 10.6 Release Notes

The Following are New & Enhanced Features in EasyPower 10.6:

Data Collection with Camera Integration

Within EasyPower, new features now allow you to take pictures with your computer’s built-in camera or an external camera and immediately associate pictures with specific equipment in your model. You can also add names, notes, and tags to pictures within EasyPower.

Boundary Calculations for User-Specified Arc Flash PPE Ratings

A new option is available to calculate an additional boundary for arc flash, the PPE Boundary. The PPE Boundary is the distance at which the available incident energy is equivalent to the user-specified PPE Rating. You can set the Rating for PPE Boundary in the Advanced Arc Flash Options. This option applies only when the arc flash hazard Standard is set to use IEEE 1584-2018.

Auto-Calculate Added for HV and LV Breakers

HV and LV Breaker short circuit information is now automatically calculated based on manufacturer library information. You can also choose to disable auto-calculation and enter this data manually.

TCC Title Block – Linked or Custom Names

You can now link the name in a TCC title block to the name under which the TCC is stored, or specify a custom name in the title block.

EasyPower 10.6 SP1 Release Notes

This release addresses the following issues:

Arc Flash:

  • Fixed an issue where some relays were using the maximum time for arc flash.
  • Fixed an issue where the relay Aux Time setting was not being respected as the minimum time for arc flash.
  • Fixed an issue where relays with additional time delays specified in cycles were incorrectly considered for arc flash calculations.


  • Fixed an issue where relays with a Service Factor setting were not being plotted correctly. This also affected arc flash results related to these relays.


  • Fixed an issue where silent installations to the default path were not being installed correctly.