Meteonorm 7.3.4 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 32/64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment! ✅
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Meteonorm Software

Meteonorm is a unique combination of reliable data sources and sophisticated calculation tools. It provides access to typical years and historical time series.

New feature: historical time series!

Meteonorm 7.3 allows access to historical time series of irradiation and temperature. The new archive contains hourly data since 2010 and is constantly updated. You can download these time series directly from the Meteonorm software.

Thanks to this new feature, Meteonorm now offers access to all relevant meteorological information required for planning of solar applications through the same software platform: typical years, monthly averages, hourly time series.

Global climate database

Meteonorm generates accurate and representative typical years for any place on earth. You can choose from more than 30 different weather parameters.

The database consists of more than 8 000 weather stations, five geostationary satellites and a globally calibrated aerosol climatology. On this basis, sophisticated interpolation models, based on more than 30 years of experience, provide results with high accuracy worldwide.

An open system

You can import of any third party data, be it from satellites or from measurement stations and still profit from all tools inside Meteonorm.

The intuitive desktop software lets you to easily manage your sites and retrieve the required results in a convenient and fast way. More than 30 different output formats offer maximum flexibility.

More than a simple data provider

Meteonorm includes two of the best minute models on the market for reliable simulations of large PV plants or energy management & battery systems. It can model urban heat effects to support the development of green cities. It contains algorithms to calculate extreme years, for example to test design limits. You can even simulate Climate Change using IPCC scenarios.

Long experience

The first version of Meteonorm was published as paperback handbook in 1985. Ten years later, Meteotest transferred the handbook to a desktop software. In 1998, the coverage of the climate data was extended from Switzerland to the whole world. The global breakthrough was reached with version 6 – back in 2007.

Today Meteonorm has more than 2 000 active users and is included in almost every PV, solar thermal or building simulation software on the market.

Platform independent

Meteonorm is not only a desktop software: For digital applications, our web service API and our Dynamic Link Library DLL ensure platform independent access to all data and models of Meteonorm, from everywhere. This allows the intergration of Meteonorm data in web applications, simulation software, building design software or building information modelling applications.

Global standard

All this makes Meteonorm a global standard and a powerful tool for solar energy applications, building design, heating & cooling systems, education, agriculture, forestry and many more.