Elitron CAD 2D V3 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 32/64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment! 🙂 ✅
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$260.00 $160.00


ElitronCAD 2D Footwear is the CAD design system number one on the market for ease of use and completeness. Entirely developed by Elitron, is characterized by functional, simple, original and extremely intuitive solutions, resulting from the direct knowledge of the footwear industry and years of experience in CAD. ElitronCAD 2D Footwear is an open system, which can be interfaced with any other CAM system.

ElitronCAD Footwear has a simple, clear and extremely rational interface. The system structured in working environments, complementary to each other, produces a wide range of reports: technical sheet of the base and variants, consumption sheets, list of basic pieces, all that in customizable layouts according to the user specific requirements. The parametric functions allow to automatically obtain stylistic and dimensional changes over the entire model while working only on one line of the base.

The working environments, or modules, which compose ElitronCAD 2D Footwear reproduce the computer version of the traditional manual shoe designer work. It is possible to acquire templates through manual digitization, DXF import or via scanner; draw in 2D the master piece/base; extract quickly and accurately the individual pieces which make up the master piece/base; place on the screen the shapes to be printed or cut on plotter; calculate consumptions related to the materials and realize technical sheets.