Maestro 3D 6.0 Dental Studio Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage
  • Supports Windows 8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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Maestro 3D 6.0 Dental Studio Crack

Maestro 3D Dental Studio is a a complete tool for the realization of orthodontic treatments and for the design of aesthetic and functional dental appliances based on individual dental anatomy of the patients. The software includes two working areas: Order Management and Dental Studio.

The Order Management is the application for managing the customer database, creating a new work case and opening an existing one. This software application does not have a medical purpose, as defined in MDR Regulation, so it does not fall within the definition of a medical device.
Maestro 3D Dental Studio can import digital 3D files from 3D scans and 2D images (as patients photos), then it analyzes, modifies the input files with the aim to create a set of 3D models needed for orthodontic and restorative treatments. The 3D input files can originate from 3D intraoral or extraoral scanner, in particular structured light or laser scanner.

Maestro 3D Dental Studio is a tool that allows predictable results (through the creation of 3D models), improving communication between the dental technician, doctor and patient. The software is modular and it is composed by two main macro modules: Ortho Studio and Smile Creator.

The software Maestro 3D Dental Studio is a medical device intended to be used exclusively by dental technicians and dentists to provide information to take decisions for the diagnosis and planning of orthodontic treatments and for the design of aesthetic and functional dental appliances based on individual dental anatomy of the patients.

In particular, Maestro 3D Dental Studio software allows the technician/dentist:

  • to create 3D models (according to the orthodontics standard Parallel, Tweed, Ricketts, ABO);
  • to perform the analysis of specific parameters on 3D models (e.g. mesodistal distances, root lengths, intersections, etc.), in order to make decision about the orthodontic treatment to carry out;
  • to simulate the teeth repositioning in order to plan the appropriate type of treatment;
  • to automatically generate a sequence of transition models from the initial position to the final position (the number of transition models is determined by the maximum movement constraints that each transition model can perform);
  • to compare the current position of the teeth (during orthodontic treatment) with the initial position, in order to evaluate the progress of the treatment.

Maestro 3D Dental Studio can import digital 3D files from 3D scans and 2D images (as patients photos), then it analyzes, modifies the input files with the aim to create a set of 3D models needed for orthodontic and restorative treatments. The 3D input files can originate from 3D intraoral or extraoral scanner, in particular structured light or laser scanner.

Therefore, the software is intended to guide and assist the user (dental technician/dentist) in planning and design of orthodontic treatments and devices as listed below:

  • templates for the positioning of orthodontic brackets,
  • clear aligners,
  • bite anti-bruxism,
  • templates for the realization of total mobile prosthesis.