Dolphin Imaging 12 Premium Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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Dolphin Imaging 12 Premium Crack

Effortlessly manage patient picture and x-ray images. ImagingPlus is the foundation of the Dolphin product suite. Carefully designed for quick learning, ImagingPlus lets you effectively capture, organize and present image records. It also includes a set of powerful and user-friendly tools for conveying treatment plans and to easily communicate ideas.

  • Snap your photos in sequence and Dolphin will automatically organize the images into a standard layout, such as composite of extraoral, intraoral and occlusal photos.
  • Preview, crop, rotate, enhance and align photos in a single screen.
  • Enhancements include brightness, contrast, gamma. hue, saturation, and red eye reduction.
  • Drag and drop images from your file folders into Dolphin.
  • Too busy to adjust the images? You can do it later using the Crop-later feature.
  • Option to automatically preserve the original, un-retouched images. 
  • Capture images from existing files, flatbed scanner, other TWAIN sources or digital x-ray systems. Or, create 2D radiographs out of volumetric CBCT data, using optional Dolphin 3D software. 
  • Translate, tip and rotate incisors; reposition molars; auto-rotate the mandible.
  • Arch Length Discrepancy worksheet: initial condition, leeway, extraction, expansion and stripping.
  • CO-CR Conversion. Enter CPI or MPI reading; simulates fulcrum of lower jaw at the first dental contact; automatically repositions centric occlusion to centric relation. 
  • Several dozen professionally written templates, including: extraction, deband, initial exam, treatment progress, diagnostic results, treatment requests, certificates and welcome letters.
  • Create a set of letters simultaneously to several related parties: patient, parent, doctor, referral and insurance company.
  • Radiograph enhancement tools.
  • High-quality implant image library.
  • On-screen measuring tool.
  • Enhance bone grafts, sinus grafts, and anatomical structures.
  • Image magnification.
  • Email treatment plans and images.
  • Create and save multiple implant treatment plan alternatives.
  • Detailed treatment plan reports.
  • Marketing-oriented, implant-specific reports.
  • Patient records organized by name or number.
  • Fully integrated with the Dolphin Imaging program.