Exocad 3.0 Galway Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage
  • Supports Windows 8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
Total Sold: 72
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Exocad 3.0 Galway Crack DentalCAD DentalDB PartialCAD

The purchase includes the following modules:

  • Implant Module
  • Bar Module
  • Model Creator
  • Bite Splint Module
  • Provisional Module
  • PartialCAD
  • FullDenture Module
  • TrueSmile Module
  • Virtual Articulator
  • Jaw Motion Import
  • DICOM Viewer
  • Smile Creator
  • Tooth Library

The all new exocad DentalCAD 3.0 Galway

Take your restorative designs to the next level

Explore the new extensive range of features DentalCAD 3.0 Galway has to offer and increase your productivity significantly.

Highlights for DentalCAD / DentalDB

Instant Anatomic Morphing

Get from the automatic proposal to your design goal faster than ever before with this new feature (patent pending). The anatomy of the teeth adjusts in real time with each movement, revolutionizing your design process.

Parametric Shape Adjustment

Parametrically modify any existing tooth library: from deep fissures for a younger anatomy to flat fissures and cusps that are more suitable for an older anatomy. Seamlessly apply a natural abrasion to all selected teeth.

Advanced bridge connectors editing & viewing tools

Improved bridge connector editing with split screen view and tools to change several connectors at once, for a faster workflow in every situation.

Vastly improved insertion direction control

New tools in the insertion direction dialogue give you easier control over each individual insertion axis.

New user interface design

The new user-centered design makes digital interaction simple, fluid and intuitive. See for yourself.

Test the new Dark Mode!

Smile Creator goes AI

Automatically detect facial features with artificial intelligence

Facial features are automatically detected to automate the smile design and get to an esthetic proposal faster. This, along with many other new features and improvements, helps saving valuable time while designing cases with Smile Creator.

Mockup tooth setups improve patient communication

Open up new possibilities in patient consultation with the Smile Creator. Print clip-ons and let patients physically try out their new smile.