Exoplan 3.0 Galway Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage
  • Supports Windows 8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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Exoplan 3.0 Galway Crack DentalCAD DentalDB

exoplan 3.0 Galway is a powerful, open, and efficient software package for virtual implant planning. Customized surgical guides can be designed using the Guide Creator software module, and then produced on site – in a laboratory, dental practice, or an external production center. The software comes in a new, modern user interface, inspired by the Google Material Design system.

With more than 40 new features, as well as enhancements to over 60 existing functionalities, the Galway release represents a major expansion of capabilities in guided surgery and improved integration with DentalCAD, exocad’s dental CAD software.

Key highlights of exoplan 3.0 Galway include:

  • Planning of edentulous cases and design of the respective surgical guides, including necessary tools, such as dual scan protocol, anchor pin placement, and fixation guide
  • Surgical and fixation guides can be freely designed or based on a prosthesis scan
  • New tools to speed up the entire planning process
  • Improved implant selection dialog
  • Automatic panoramic curve detection
  • More implant libraries, now with over 500 implant systems and over 8,500 implants from more than 80 manufacturers
  • Virtual tooth extraction on optical scans
  • Possibility to easily mark sinus cavity and check if implants are intruding

All exocad solutions are based on the same technical platform with an open architecture, ensuring the seamless functionality of the digital workflow: from virtual prosthesis-oriented implant planning with exoplan and designing surgical guides with Guide Creator, to planning and producing the implant-supported, temporary, and final restorations with DentalCAD, exocad’s dental CAD software.