GAMMA Dental 8.6.5 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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For over 30 years, GAMMA has been designing, building and programming medical devices and software that helps dentists and dental technicians to master occlusion. At Gamma we do not simply understand “occlusion” as the static closing bite position of two rows of teeth, but rather as a chewing organ, as an important, functional part of the human organism. Here, above all, the dynamic functions play a role in interaction with the given structures. Gamma is a pioneer, when it comes to making occlusion manageable. Gamma have special competence and are international market leader in this field.

Gamma stands for highest quality, precision and safety.

Release Notes

• The About box now displays the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) as per Regulation (EU) 2017/745.
GAMMA Document Browser
• Fixed an issue where patient files could not be opened with specific regional settings in Windows.
• Fixed an issue where certain patient files created by an older software version could not be opened.
• The CADIAX device drivers have been updated to improve compatibility and stability.
• Fixed an issue when inserting incomplete cusp tips coordinates from CADIAS 3D.
• Fixed the incorrect visualization of the lower first molar’s tooth axis in the Sato tracing.
• Fixed an issue where Jaw Motion files exported from Occlusion Design to exocad could not be
imported with specific regional settings in Windows.
• Fixed an issue where the ideal Sequence table settings calculated in Occlusion Design would not
match those in the CADIAX articulator settings.
• The order of lower jaw movements exported from Occlusion Design to exocad now matches the
display order in the user interface.
• Fixed an issue where the digitized point coordinates copied to the clipboard would not consider
• Fixed an issue where a 3D model exported from the 3D Data Assistant would not use the selected