MillBox 2021 DGSHAPE v7.0.8 Roland Full


  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 32/64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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MillBox 2021 DGSHAPE v7.0.8 Roland Crack

MillBox Dental CAM 2021

MillBox – the perfect Dental CAM solution for milling any restorations

Thanks to its user-friendly, innovative and attractive interface, MillBox simplifies the process of arranging restorations in the material and creating a tool path. New users can very quickly begin to perform layout operations, even without special training or with minimal training. MillBox is built on a powerful CAM platform that is very easy to use and minimizes the time spent on processing orders. And this, in turn, provides laboratories with a significant return on investment in digital technologies.

Release Notes – Take a look at some of the major software news and updates:


The configuration of the Artificial Intelligence option is available to support you with the execution of automated operations.
AI DRIVEN makes dental CAM more intuitive, safer, more precise and flexible.

Partial execution

With this new feature it is possible to carry out a resumption of processing exclusively related to a specific implant section.

Offset on open equipments milled at 90 degrees

MillBox can now automatically manage open equipment and allow processing up to 90 degrees. This feature facilitates the creation of morphologies with vestibular “cuts” while guaranteeing the necessary spaces for ceramization.

Thickness functionFor a correct result, the tickness analysis of the object is essential. Thanks to the enhancement of this feature, MillBox can now perform thickness analysis both on the cavity side and the occlusal side, ensuring a more complete analysis.

Remove of hole obstructions

In some case, errors in the imported object like obstructions may occur. MillBox can now detect errors condition and allow the user to change the mesh to perform the milling correctly.