PE DESIGN 10 Version 10.2 Full


  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 32/64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment! 🙂 ✅
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Embroider, embellish, enjoy and expand your creative possibilities and streamline your design work with the new PE-DESIGN 10 Embroidery Design Software.

PE-DESIGN 10 truly is the “Perfect 10” of embroidery software with new and enhanced features for everyone – from the hobbyist to the home business entrepreneur.


See thumbnails of your designs

No need to open the software to view or find embroidery designs. Now see thumbnail previews of your designs in Windows® Explorer. Plus, your designs can either be launched into Layout and Editing or sent to the machine via USB media.

PE-DESIGN 10 includes over 1,000 built-in designs, including 350 new designs. View these designs, and your own, with this new preview feature.

Intelligent colour sorter

New Intelligent Colour Sort reduces the amount of time you spend on the computer (manually matching colour segments) and at the embroidery machine (switching threads).

See the font and its name and new font filter

View the names of your fonts and recommended sizes from the pull-down menu.

The font filter lets you find the fonts that meet the attributes you want for quicker font selection.

PE-DESIGN® 10 has 25 additional built-in regular fonts. The original fonts in the program also have updated digitizing using the latest technology.

Included are 10 built-in small fonts – as small as 4mm-6mm

Fabric selector

The new fabric selector automatically adjusts the sewing attributes for your embroidery based on your fabric selection.

Patch wizard

The new Patch Wizard automatically creates the outline for your appliqué. Create a badge or a patch with virtually any embroidery design, including text!

Matrix copy feature

Create multiples of the same design and auto colour sort at the same time.

Double the stitch density

Gives better results when working with puffy foam as your base.

Zigzag net fill stitches, and chain stitch for outlines

Stitch direction setting

The change of stitch direction can make the same thread colour look different from one area to another, adding more texture and visual interest for truly customised designs.

Import EMG and SVG files

The import vector image digitizing has been enhanced and now digitizes WMF, EMF and SVG files with smoother results


Platform and embroidery wizard

A redesigned, user-friendly platform and enhanced embroidery wizard, with fewer tabs and streamlined functionality.


Keeps the sewing atttributes and stitch types as you resize your designs.


Even better PhotoStitch™ quality

Brother’s redesigned PhotoStitch™ includes many great enhancements. Easy masking, improved preview, enhanced ‘Select from Candidates’, the ability to reserve colours and more, all add up to superior quality stitchouts without the need to increase stitch count.

Appliqué wizard

The enhanced Appliqué Wizard provides the steps to create appliqués in a variety of ways – from complex designs, manually digitized designs and pre-digitized designs as well.

Create appliqués of entire words at a time, in one easy step. Say goodbye to converting to outlines and creating appliqué lettering one letter at a time. This is a huge time saver.

Split stitch tool

It’s now easier to see the parts you want to remove. There’s now a ghosted image of other design elements to make it easier to edit and see where you want to split your design. Plus, see the parts of the design that were hidden.