3Shape Unite 2024 Full (Implant Studio + TRIOS Design Studio)

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage ✅
  • Supports Windows 8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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3Shape Unite 2024 Full Crack

3Shape Implant Studio is the smoothest and most automated version yet.
A surgical guide outline is created based on artificial intelligence, making
guide creation a breeze. CT scan handling has been rethought using a
patented cropping for unparalleled clarity. Moreover, the surgical guide
output is now handled by 3Shape Produce.

NEW AI guide design
Implant Studio 2024.1 is using AI technology to analyze the jaw and create the outline for a full-coverage
surgical guide, which the software will then automatically build without the need for user input. It is easy to
edit the guide outline or even start over if another design is desired.
NEW Mandibular/Maxillary cropping
A patented technology is used to precisely crop the (CB)CT scan for the jaw to be worked on, providing
clarity, and remove unwanted objects from view in the 3D scene including teeth that have been extracted
after the scan was performed. This provides unique clarity when planning implant placements.

NEW Redesigned cropping step and CBCT handling
The cropping step has received a makeover and is now in 3D. The region of interest can easily be adjusted
either in the 3D-scene or by dragging or scaling the boxes in the 2D windows. The cropped-away regions are
still visible, making it easy to detect if some important anatomical detail have been cropped away by mistake.

Improved X-guide integration
When planning for the dynamic surgery solution, X-Guide by X-nav technology, the designed virtual crowns
will now be transferred along with the plan, visualizing the intended outcome while performing surgery. In
this way, more insights are available when taking clinical decisions.

NEW 3Shape Produce
Implant Studio 2024 works with 3Shape Produce, easing the process of producing surgical guides and screw-
retained crowns. The machine choice from the software is transferred to the Produce step, that allow for
seamless integration and optimized production on a wide range of milling machines and printers!