DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2021 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment ✅
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$180.00 $90.00


DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2021 Crack

The significant developments in PowerFactory 2021 include:

  • Further enhancements to the user interface, including floating windows to allow ergonomic working across multiple screens
  • A redesign of the plot functionality, offering new style and layout options, intuitive customisation of the plot view, and new features such as Multi-Curve Tracking
  • A new Economic Analysis Tools module, incorporating the new Power Park Energy Analysis function
  • A new Optimal Equipment Placement tool, for analysis and optimisation in the planning of distribution networks
  • New tools such as the Variation Manager and the Operation Scenario Manager, simplifying the management and editing of network variations, expansion stages and operation scenario data
  • Numerous enhancements in the Power Equipment Models, allowing for even more detailed and sophisticated studies
  • Extensions to data converters, such as the support of CGMES 3.0 and new NEPLAN-import data file formats