RhinoGold 6 Version 6.6 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment! ? ✅
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$149.00 $49.00


RhinoGold simplifies the process of creating jewellery in CAD for professional jewellery designers.  It makes the entire experience faster and easier, and combines all the power of the rhino modelling engine with an interface suited to jewellers, whether new to CAD or experienced.

The graphical interface makes it easy to create and tweak designs as you’re looking at them, editing ‘on-the-fly’.  All the RhinoGold tools can also be run within the normal Rhino3d environment for seasoned Rhino3d users.

RhinoGold has extensive libraries of gems, all with shaped cutting tools making it quick and easy to create elegant mounts with custom backholing. Advanced pavé tools also make it simple to create continuous swathes of gems and prongs both automatically and with custom placement.

The ring and setting creation tools include cross section profiles of many common wires making it simple to create rings, head and bezel settings exactly as you want them.  Custom tools make otherwise arduous tasks of creating signet rings, hollow rings and twisting channel settings easy.

Parametrics built into the RhinoGold browser make it simple to change ring sizes, profiles, stone sizes and settings, and the rest of the model automatically updates to fit.

The included libraries of stones and profiles can be added to by the user quickly and easily, and if you create a custom stone, the cutters for it are created too.

RhinoGold includes powerful analysis tools allowing you to assess parts, or the whole job, and bring up a report on metal and stone weights which includes losses for shrinkage and clean-up.  There are even job management tools so at a click you can bring up relevant timescales, deadlines and completed processes.