CEREC SW 5.1 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage
  • Supports Windows 8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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CEREC SW 5.1 Crack

Outstanding restoration proposals and easy operation

Fast and easy designs with the CEREC Software: Thanks to its clear and visually appealing operation, the CEREC Software guarantees intuitive use from the very beginning. Its intelligent automation enables a fast, effortless process. A particular highlight of the CEREC Software is its analysis of the whole scan when calculating the initial proposal, which guarantees highly-esthetical, individual restoration proposals. With the CEREC Software you can be sure to offer your patients the highest quality and aesthetics at all time.

CEREC Software 5.1 – Simplicity, Speed, Flexibility

Using artificial intelligence, CEREC SW 5.1 supports restoration design better than ever before.

Thanks to its high level of automation, it reduces the required input to a minimum. This saves time and lets you move to production faster. Benefit from the simple, clearly structured and visually appealing user interface which is operated via touch screen or touch pad.

Overview of the benefits

  • Optimized for Windows 10 and the new hardware generation with Primescan and Omnicam
  • Improvements of stability and performance for Omnicam users
  • Double buccal bite
  • Improved initial proposals thanks to artificial intelligence which is trained by real patient cases
  • Artificial intelligence calculates the model axis and preparation margins as well as the position of the scanbody
  • Indications are automatically recognized and selected
  • Further improved automatic removal of artefacts
  • It only takes 5 clicks to create a finished restoration
  • Further improved user interface is easy to operate

Performance Upgrade for Omnicam

  • Improved scan accuracy with Omnicam (Study and Ender et al.)
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Improved calculation time
  • Automatic artifact removal
  • Fast 5-clicks-concept
  • STL files can be exported

The new Dentsply Sirona Software Generation 5 runs on Windows 10. In order to benefit from Software Generation 5, a hardware performance upgrade might be necessary. Depending on the hardware generation, different Performance Upgrades are available.

Please check which Performance Upgrade you need by using the Upgrade Advisor.