ETAP 20 Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Comes with all necessary files to Install & Activate ✅
  • Permanent activation ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
  • It can be installed on as many computers as you want ✅
  • One-time payment! ✅

NOTE: “ETAP Scada” is Not part of this package

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Plan, Design, Automate, Operate & Optimize

Built upon a Continuous Intelligence Digital Twin Platform

ETAP 20 series offers an impressive set of innovative, time-saving electrical safety capabilities, advanced renewable energy modeling & simulation tools, leading-edge co-simulation technology, and model-driven real-time network management solutions.

Design Solutions
Arc Flash Auto-Evaluation new-tag
Automated Arc Flash Evaluation

Quickly evaluate arc flash incident energy during protection & coordination study with time-saving features that significantly reduce costly modifications and mitigation equipment.

Automated arc flash energy evaluation
Constant Energy Boundary Area – C-area plots
Arc Energy Damage Point – Arc-Resistant Switchgear (C37.20.7)
Risk analysis based on multiple operating conditions and current variation
Arc Flash Evaluation Rulebook
Automatically evaluate Line, Bus, and Load-side faults
Global filters for new IEEE 1584-2018 rules and special conditions

DC Arc Flash – Energy Subtraction Method new-tag
Design, Calculate & Evaluate Safety for DC Systems

High accuracy arc flash analysis to calculate the incident energy for direct current applications

Incident Energy Subtraction Method
DC Arc Flash Calculator batch analysis
Update ‘worst-case’ scenario from Result Analyzer to DataBlocks
DC arc current reference TCC plot

eMT™ new-tag
ETAP Electromagnetic Transients Program

Dedicated EMT software for analysis of power system transients.

Switching transient
Insulation coordination
Lightning surges
Renewable energy generation
Sub-synchronous oscillations
FACTS and electronic converters

eMTCoSim™ new-tag
CoSimulation of Electromagnetic & Phasor Transients

Perform accurate and detailed multi-domain Phasor (RMS) and Electromagnetic transients (EMT) studies with ETAP Transient Stability and eMT.

Single-domain or multiple-domain co-simulation
Watch your transient simulations in action with Live Charts for multiple components & variables
Simulate large networks in high-fidelity

PlotView™ new-tag
Live Plots & Graphical Result Visualization

Get a live insight into the study results using PlotView, including user-configurable visualization and export capabilities

Live Plots overlay with previous study results
Embedded Live Plots on One-Line Diagram
Utilize with all major ETAP modules
Individual or Subplot views
Export to Excel, Zoom, Pan, Hairline Based Value Tracking and more

etapPy™ new-tag
Scripting & Study Automation using Python™

Feature-rich ETAP-Python API and IDE for creating and executing python scripts

Integration of ETAP and Python scripting language
API to batch run studies and generate output data reports
Run studies remotely and in parallel across machines
Built-in Python Script IDE or Editor

Dynamic Models new-tag
Dynamic Models using UDM or Manufacturer Black Box Modeling

Renewable Energy & Battery Storage Dynamic Models using User-Defined Dynamic Models (UDM) or Manufacturer Black Box Models (DLL)

WECC distributed and small PV plants generic model (PVD1)
WECC Energy Storage System Phase II Models – REGC_A, REEC_C, REPC_A
WECC 2nd Generation Type 3 & 4 Wind Turbine Models – WTGT_A, WTGAR_A, WTGPT_A, WTGTRQ_A
Generic Energy Storage System (ESS) model
CIGRE Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine in Combined Cycle Power Plants (Report 238)
User API to incorporate DLL based Dynamic Models

Renewable – DC Load Flow
Battery Energy Management new-tag
Battery Charging & Discharging

Lithium-Ion Storage and Battery Management System for Renewables, Microgrids, Railways, and more.

Lithium-Ion battery modeling
Battery charge & discharge control modes
Multiple battery State of Charge (SoC) categories
Battery operating mode based on voltage or power Generation
Utilize in Load Flow (AC, DC, Unified, Time Series) and eTraX modules

Battery Parameter Estimation new-tag
Estimate Battery Charge & Discharge Parameters

Identify battery charging and discharging parameters, verify the maximum capability, validate performance, and select the most appropriate battery bank.

Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion (multiple chemistries) battery types
Auto-update model parameters into battery library
Automatically recalculate battery characteristics

Cable Sizing & Shock Protection
NF C13-200 – Cable Sizing new-tag
Ensure Compliance using Trusted Calculations

Fast and accurate sizing and protection evaluation per the French standard for high voltage power cables.

Complete current carrying capacity calculation
Under-ground and Above-ground cable sizing
Display Correction Factors applied per cable using Cable Manager

Short Circuit improved-tag
Faster Result Analysis & Project Deliverables

Take the guesswork out of short circuit studies by automating the analysis of multiple simulation results and plots.

Update ‘worst-case’ Device Duty evaluation from Result Analyzer to component DataBlocks
Compare Device Duty results with equipment ratings in Result Analyzer
PlotView for IEC 61363 graphical results

AC Arc Flash improved-tag
Reduce Risk, Improve Safety & Enforce Compliance

Identify and analyze high-risk arc flash areas with greater flexibility by simulating and evaluating various mitigation methods.

Global & Individual typical data for enclosure editor
Arc-Flash Calculator enhancements
1-Phase Arc-Flash “Worst-Case” Pole / Phase Identification

eTraX™ improved-tag
Solution for AC & DC Railway Systems

Improve the reliability of new and existing rail traction power systems from conceptual design to network planning and expansion.

Wayside Energy Storage with Battery Management System – BMS
Battery charging and discharging simulation
Graphical results and plot for STATCOM & BESS
PlotView for graphical results visualization

Data Exchange & Conversion Tools

Easily and automatically convert from legacy software and exchange data between third-party programs and ETAP.

Latest built-in GIS import from CYME and Milsoft WindMil Map®
Updated built-in import tool from SKM Power*Tools® 9.0

Engineering Libraries
Engineering Libraries improved-tag
Verified & Validated Equipment Libraries

Industry-standard for the most comprehensive V&V engineering equipment libraries. The latest library updates are included with every release & available for download from ETAP HelpDesk.

New Lithium-Ion Battery models
Expanded Circuit Breaker and Relay models
New Protective Device models
Updated Reliability Failure Rate data
Updated Cable Libraries per cable regulation types

ETAP Application improved-tag
GIS & One-Line Diagram Foundations

Time-saving enhancements and new graphical features to increase performance and improve overall application responsiveness.

Project & Study Wizard Toolbar
AutoComplete Search
Full-Screen Mode
New Installation Framework
Updated SAP Crystal Report (v25), MongoDB 4.2 & SQLCE 4.0
Support for MS Windows Server 2019

Operation Solutions
eProtect™ improved-tag
Centralized Web-Based Protection & Asset Management

Solution for relay settings change management to manage location, information, and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and substation assets.

Increased data quality and access management
Automatic processing and relay settings file generation
Protection setting sync between a physical relay and ETAP Star PDC
Integrated with Advanced Fault Analysis System, AFAS

eOTS™ improved-tag
Operator Training Simulator

Improve and augment operator / dispatcher training for electrical systems through real-world practical learning and supports decision-making via “what-if” simulations for steady-state and dynamic system conditions.

ETAP-in-the-Loop system simulation
Training Simulator for SCADA, PMS, EMS, ILS, DMS, and OMS
Instructor to multi-trainee environment with Ad hoc and pre-defined scenarios
Evaluation of trainee performance and continuous learning environment

Advanced Fault Analysis System
Advanced Fault Analysis System improved-tag
Accurate Fault Location & Outage Management

Operational and decision-support analysis software to accurately simulate fault transients of distribution systems to improve fault location accuracy.

Fault information retrieval – COMTRADE
Fault type, impedance, and location identification
Phasor and Frequency estimation
Graphical visualization and reporting or fault location
Integrates with eProtect and OMS

Automation Solutions
Microgrid Control
µGrid™ Controller improved-tag
Model-Driven Microgrid Management & Control System

An integrated model-driven design software and control hardware solution to develop, simulate, optimize, validate, and control microgrids.

Generation Optimization
Generation and Load Forecasting
Grid Power Interchange Control
Black start and system restoration
Islanding Management
Optimize, tune, and hot-swap logic
Control validation via real-time simulation

ePPC™ improved-tag
Power Plant Controller

Model-driven renewable power plant control and management with SCADA visualization, predictive analysis, optimization and forecasting.

Design and operate to balance Grid Code Compliance and power plant performance
Active power, reactive, and energy storage management
Intelligent and centralized renewable farm control
Renewable energy SCADA and dashboards