coDiagnostiX 10.2 Producer Full

  • Full Version ✅
  • Multilanguage
  • Supports Windows 8.1/10/11 ✅
  • 64 bits compatibility ✅
  • Single computer activation ✅
  • LIFETIME activation guaranteed ✅
  • Install guide is included ✅
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coDiagnostiX 10.2 Producer Crack

Major new release – coDiagnostiX 10.2

coDiagnostiX 10.2 is now available. Major new features include a brand-new set of exciting surgical guides such as bone reduction and endodontic guides.

Bone reduction guides

Now available is the all-new option to design a bone reduction guide for patient cases that require a bone reduction prior to dental implant placement.

These new guides support cutting of osseous structures by guiding an instrument, such as a piezo saw, along a predefined plane. Define a cut profile first, then design a bone reduction guide based on this profile with the familiar Guide Design Wizard.

The same process can also be used to plan a guided external sinus lift or a guided apicoectomy

Endodontic guides

Endodontic guides allow you to approach cases with pulp canal calcification or difficult-to-locate root canals in a safe and smart way. They accurately guide the drill to the obliterated root canal to create an access cavity.

Select an endodontic drill from the integrated database and place it in the same way as an implant. Then assign an appropriate sleeve and design a surgical guide with the familiar coDiagnostiX

Guide Design Wizard.

coDiagnostiX bone reduction guide
coDiagnostiX endodontic guide

Integrated training for newcomers
With the new integrated training, coDiagnostiX offers beginning users an innovative way to run training routines directly in their coDiagnostiX user interface, overlaying their own patient case with step-by-step instructions.

Lessons will be constantly expanded and range from basic functions (such as dataset creation) to advanced functions like segmentation.


  • backward planing
  • prosthetics and bone-oriented
  • predictable results
  • safe and efficient OR
  • New: for partially edentulous jaws, the drilling template can now be produced digitally and without prior X-ray templates. Imprint or model and Dicom data set are sufficient for planning!
  • New: If there is sufficient full denture, the denture is provided with reference marks and scanned before the DVT exposure. No x-ray template required!
  • New: now with fixation option in the bone
  • New: Suitable for all-on-four and teeth-in-a-day concepts
  • New: Extended digital workflow, from the drilling template fully digital to immediate restoration. Abutments and provisions are made before the operation.

coDiagnostiX implant planning software. The software is used for the exact three-dimensional planning of implants. The optimal implant position can be precisely planned virtually. Thanks to the wide range of software functions, implanting becomes safer, faster and more relaxed for the dentist.

Excellent treatment comfort

The patient benefits from excellent treatment comfort. In order to maintain the high level of precision and safety during implantation, we can manufacture a high-precision drilling template on request based on meaningful protocols. Digital implant planning also strengthens the patient’s trust. It is easy to explain on the monitor how the implants are planned and how the implantation is carried out.

Advantages of digital implant planning

  • Safety for dentists and patients
  • Distance warning function between implant and nerve as well as between the implants
  • More precise presentation of the nerves in the direct implant region
  • individual adjustment of the nerve diameter
  • separate fading in and out of the nerve
  • diverse control options by the surgeon and the dental technician
  • Print protocol output with all implant coordinates
  • automated DICOM transfer
  • automatic nerve detection

Become a digital dentist with the modern dental design that allows this software. Make your next customer visit unique. Deliver on expectations being a modern professional dentist.